Park your vehicles here, grab your snacks at the PARKING RESTAURANT, get your coffee and enjoy free Sweet Treats here update yourself something to read in the NEW STAND, take a U-Turn or just simply hang around ... relax and enjoy.. It's the only place without a parking fee..
Had it really been 4 years already? Fourth Wedding Anniversary that is. Hubby arrived last night, soaking wet with the rain had been heavily pouring since afternoon, with a huge bouquet of flowers. Damn, so sweet. Hmmm that's my man. Since, cooking something special for dinner is becoming ordinary, we went to a restaurant nearby. Wanted to go to KL tower but was packed already, I booked for Saturday lunch instead as an extension of the celebration.
I took time to have a look on our wedding pictures and realized I gained weight a lot! OMG! I dont mind, I gave birth! (a good excuse)
Looking back then, fantastic four years had past...
**** had lived in 3 countries together; Angola, India, Malaysia up to present. Been moving a lot! **** Countless good times and a handful of few fights! Yay!
**** Four years as a housewife and getting used to the hang of it.
**** Blessed with a lovely daughter
**** Good health and I can't count more blessings... so grateful for everything.
When asked by friends who knew that we had lived in India, what is it like living there? Well, the experience can not be described in a few words.
When we came to India, though I have read about the country’s multi cultural diversity, I had no idea that we are up different journey. A journey that got me lost my identity and somehow I have to sink into thinking that I am just too ignorant of so many things and made me rethink how little did I knew about diversity of human nature. Conflicts between human to human, human and nature are just very visible in front of your very eyes. I silently wished I'm insensitive to what I see.
Well, I can only relate my experience living in Powai,Mumbai, India in an expat’s perspective. In Hiranandani Gardens, where we reside while there, it wasn't much of a problem to move around as almost all basic needs can be found within the town center. We lived there for a year, quite short stay but it was a different experience. Now I’m getting to understand better what CNN’s advertisement on India “Incredible India” It’s either incredibly good or incredibly bad. I had experienced both extremes.Didn’t had much culture shock being Asian but I’m so overwhelmed with vast incomprehensible religions.Maybe because I’m only limited to exposure to Christian and Muslim countries but in India, I was lost in religion… yes, my mind is sing the lyrics of R.E.M.’s“Losing my Religion”.I was literally totally lost. But well, yes I do respect their religions but my understanding is limited to what I can fathom.To understand India’s immense cultural mixture, I paid a visit to some CulturalMuseums and different Temples but the more I see, the more I get lost. I’m so amused how this such race of people come up with there own beliefs, hundreds of Gods and Goddesses.I came to learn some few of their God images like Ganesh, an elephant God, Shiva, Lakhsmi, and ohh so many others that I can’t remember, I got a memory of a goldfish, I admit. LOL.
Visits to nearby tourist spots kept us busy during weekends. Plenty of places that we should have been but we didn’t had a chance because we didn’t know that we are leaving so soon and it became inconvenient for me to travel when I got pregnant plus the monsoon rains that is flooding Mumbai every now and then made it almost impossible to visit far places.
Some Shots of Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai A killer view from our apartment overlooking Powai lake... Relaxing view day and night A visit to GaneshTemple
In the town where we lived, there is a Ganesh Temple that I always pass by from the hotel going to the town center, with loads of people queuing to pay a visit. I was hesitant to go in at first so I let the days go by noting that maybe someday, there is no queue I will have a look.That day came, so I ask the driver, who is local, to make a detour and accompany me to the temple. He was stunned in awe; maybe he was thinking there must be something wrong with me. When we got there, there was almost nobody around and so quite, I was guessing I came too early, which was a relief. I wasn’t looking to go for the ceremony; I just would like to have a look anyway. The entrance is very nice garden, well manicured and I saw stairs made of stones to the temple.Santosh, the driver, told me to take off my shoes. I then said asked why? The pavement is quite dirty and uneven and… and..(Signaling him with my hands like do we have to be barefoot?) before I could finish my complain, he said; Madam the temple is Holy and we don’t bring our slippers there because its dirty.I’m speechless, quite annoyed but okay I was there to understand something. We climbed all the way to the temple barefoot.The temple is so quiet, adorned with lots of yellow gold flowers that formed a curtain. I stood beside the doorway, observing like a curious child lost in wonderland.There is a huge altar a picture of a topless man full of flowers on his shoulders. People brought some tray of flowers as offerings, flowers tied in strings, murmur something, and stay in one corner for a little while and leave. So after a short observation, I irked to leave.. I still don’t get it.
So? What did I learn? I asked myself.I liked how everybody showed humbleness that everyone showed by removing their footwear but I was concerned of hygienic issues. Maybe I was just too keen about it but I didn’t mind this time.
Visit to CanheriCaves
Canheri caves are located in Borivli, outskirts of Mumbai.These caves carved in the hillside of a mountain of rocks dates back from 1st century BCE to 9th century. Until now they still exist.These caves were Buddhist monasteries during that time. The stoned carvings of Budha and some scripts intricately carved on the walls are still preserved up to now.They are gorgeous works of art that depict stories of how they lived way back then.Such a breathtaking experience.Going there was a challenge.You must have strong knees because it involves climbing in a rock mountain where the caves are located.We’ve been to the top of the hill and what a view up there.It was a stone-age experience! Yah-ba-ya-ba-doo… yup it felt like flintstones..After the visit, you can’t help but think how difficult life must have been during that time compared to the convenience we have now. I can’t help but think, gosh I’m so lucky to be born on modern days. J
Caves that used to be man's house this is how men lived centuries back... These caves were know to be monks' temple during 100 B.C.
Women are so colorful
I can’t help but be in awe of the colorful saris women are wearing.Shades of light green to neon green with mixture of pink to blue, from red to yellow, embroideries to bead works with glitters or laces at the border of their saris. Most colorful women I’ve ever seen in my life. Very contrasting combination is such a fad everywhere. Decorative bindi on their foreheads, from round to sharp, matte to glittered of all glitters that matches their well defined thick eyebrows. A friend of mine says, if it doesn’t glitter, it’s not from India. Yep, I can’t disagree.Even shoes and jeans are heavily decorated with glitters.Love it or hate it everything just glitters! It may not look good on me but for Indian ladies, they look gorgeous with it. It’s not uncommon to see ladies across the mall with nose ring or pierce.I would love to have a pierce on my tongue! How about that?
Come again please?
I don’t speak Hindi, but most Indians speak English so language wasn’t a big deal.Though if I encounter instances that requires a translator, I will ask Santosh, the driver to negotiate things for me, otherwise, I’m screwed.The only thing is, even if they speak English, they speak way to fast.Although I have worked with Indians in my previous work in Abu Dhabi and got used to the way they talk, but I’m still lost.I’m amazed how they talk so fast.I think they can say a hundred words in a split second.Well, ummmm, can you talk slowly please?We are not in a speedy talking contest, I say to myself.
Spicy Food Anyone?
Ohhh, love spicy food?Being in India, the land of spices, you can’t resist the aroma either you can’t resist to rage, or you can’t resist craving.I love spicy foods but moderately.Here, my meter level of spice is not even spicy for locals.Some foods I love but some foods are way too aromatic for me. Well, there’s always a wide array of choices.Love to explore different flavor combinations, personally, it was like a gastronomic adventure, no I’m not in France where all the presentation and detailed cooking is such a craftsmanship where every little detail of ingredients is being carefully laid on your plate.Here, colors comes to play.For example for pasta dishes; I can pasta dishes with colorful sauces; may it be dark green, bright yellow, yellow orange, bright red. Pasta with Curries, green curries, yellow curries or what so ever curries. Having said that, other foods are very interesting to my palates and challenging to my stomach. So, LOVE it or HATE it, local foods are just way too spicy for me.But I learned to love one thing and it is a confession:I love curries.
Appreciating Indian Art
One thing I love being in India, the touch of craftsmanship is quite distinctive.You can tell that this is made from India when it is shiny, or heavily hand carved with plenty of curves, or heavily embroidered or heavily beaded.Talents that rooted from ancient technique of doing crafts do still exist with a mixture of modern touch.
I think I got plenty of souvenirs from India without knowing that I have collected them.I mean, when I see exhibits I take one item, when I see something nice and very Indian from a craft store, Oh how lovely to take one, and then it got plenty and although they are collecting dusts I still want to keep them as a souvenir. I took plenty of cloth materials that are very Indian. I got hand painted stuffs.An Incense burner which is heavily carved a set of family of carved elephants from baby elephant to adult in wood and in stone which I intend to give to my friends but didn’t had a chance yet.
My unforgettable souvenir:I got pregnant in India but gave birth in KL.
Cost of Living
As an expat’s point of view, it is relatively low cost.Almost everything is cheap. Goods and commodities are averagely priced. Depends on where you shop or dine. If you wanna be treated like a King or Queen, you may go to five-star restaurants, otherwise, loads of street foods are easily available. There are a number of restaurants to choose from around Powai ranging from local to foreign cuisines.Chinese take-away is my all time favorite.They deliver.. whoooaaaa… I love deliveries.Almost all shops do delivery.I think this is the only thing I’m missing in India.They deliver without a minimum cost.One time, we needed a cable plug and I tried to call the electrical shop, and whoa, I got it on my doorstep with just 10 Rupees, I was more than glad to pay double for the tip.There is no hassle if you run out of milk, you are just a phone call away.No more beer? You’ll get it right on your doorstep, chilled!Ohhh, and how can I forget, they pick up and deliver laundry with a minimal cost which was so great!Who loves ironing huh? I don’t!
Pigeon Droppings Everywhere! Powai is such a nice place in Mumbai. Rich in old acacia trees in the streets and everywhere but there is such an enormous population of pigeons.I have been a constant victim of pigeon dropping! Gosh! Poor me!I want to have pellet gun and shoot them. Kidding, I don’t do that.. they are nice creatures, I love to see them hanging around in our window sill even if they leave their droppings. I dunno much about pigeons but when they are mating, they make this annoying noise!So I kept on driving them away, why can’t they stay overnight in somebody else’s place? Not in my kitchen’s window near the exhaust! Damn pigeons, go away!ShhooooooShoooo!
The Streets of Mumbai This is not a pleasant memory to recall… It is chaotic suicidal kind of driving.Thankfully, I’m still alive but I lost count of how many times I closed my eyes hoping this wouldn’t be the end of my life! You won’t feel bored if you are travelling.. Plenty of things to see... nice elegant building with a cow next to it.Cow’s are just everywhere in the streets and nobody is doing something… If the cow is in the middle of the road, nobody makes a move, wait until the cow decides to give way.Honestly, I really pity those cows who are eating garbage when they are supposed to be in the green fields eating grasses.I just don’t understand why some people are domesticating this kind of animals in the city.They should be on the country side living peacefully as vegetarians, not scavenging and eating spoiled leftover human food. Holy Cow!
Cows hanging around in the middle of the street.
Taxis in look like vintage cars.. they are locally manufactured but they have stood the test of times.
Heavily decorated elephants paraded in the streets during festivals.
This girl was selling books in the street during heavy traffic under the scorching hot sun with all her smiles.
What’s keeping me sane? We lived in India for 6 months, not quite enough time to absorb the country’s culture. I usually spend my time in the Renaissance Club, where I could escape from chaotic roads, it has the best amenities I could find in town.Nice pool, spa, gym, restaurants and cafes.In the gym, I attend yoga sessions everyday which is cool. The hotel has the most relaxing view of the PowaiLake.It is just located next to the lake, actually, the only downside I could see is that there are crows everywhere. If you like outdoor, there is an outdoor barwhere crows love to hang out with you with your favorite drink. If you want to dip yourself in the pool and leave your favorite buffalo wings or margarita, don’t be surprise if crows will take over your table.I’m amazed how wise these crows are.I was there having my drink, others are sun bathing reading their favorite vacation book maybe, while I was under the shade enjoying my drink in a hot summer day, a man just left his table with some finger foods, the moment he stood up and turned his back on the table, these crows just took his remaining food! Clever crows!
A man's music that lingers in the hallway of Renaissance Hotel one rainy day...
One thing I can’t forget in Renaissance is the most relaxing Swedish massage I ever had.I tried so many massages but nothing beats.It is the masseuse who can make you scream in pain with her finger tips if you like your massage hard and softest if you like it soft.I like the medium, in between soft and hard massage.Damn, she knows what she is doing! She then became my friend eventually. Her name is Tenzin. She speaks Hindi fluently, I’m sure I won’t get screwed when I’m with her.Me and hubby always fight for a slot with her on weekends. And I know somebody as well who is a big fan of her, George, a colleague of hubby who just loves pep talks with the hotel staff joking with everyone. Everybody loves his Charm.
To occupy my time, I often grab hubby’s camera, and roam around the streets to take pictures.My favorite subject is flowers. I play with my camera with different lovely flowers that I see on the roads and some in the RenaissanceGarden. They just bloom everywhere.
Across the building is the Hiranandani Jogger’s park where sometimes I go for a walk to keep fit.Quite nice park, it’s just that it is quite crowded during afternoon when the sun is down, to avoid the crowd, I usually go on mornings.More often than not,Lee, wife of hubby’s colleague come to our apartment with her lovely kids Paris and Anique. They love to play in the Glen’s children’s park, exclusive for GlenBuildings’ occupants. Once, I took them to picnic to the jogger’s park. On weekends, hubby and some colleagues play cricket. We just go to join the fun.
I didn’t close my mind of finding a job in India, but I realize that the highest salary I could get couldn’t even pay our monthly food consumption neither pay our house rental, thankfully it is provided by hubby’s company.I was scouting for some good jobs and when I found one, the manager wants to hire me for a permanent post which is one of my problems finding a job.We are not permanently staying in India, that’s for sure, and worst we don’t really know when we are moving out.The nature of hubby’s job involves travel and families moving from one country to another. Leaving me with no choice, but to stay as housewife, which I came to learn there is nothing to be against of.
Exploring of ways to entertain myself rather than staying at home alone, Sophia, who is Columbian and wife of hubby’s colleague, and I usually go malling.Getting tired of exploring malls in Mumbai, we tried involving ourselves with crafts.We tried candle making which was quite an experience.We exchange candles books and ideas about candle making.I have to stop candle making when I knew I was pregnant because I can’t take the smell anymore and paraffin wax is not good for pregnant women.. Still hungry for things that would keep us busy, we scouted for more.We found a lady who teaches crafts at her home which is just a few buildings away from ours.Great! So we go to her place and learn some crafty things.Sophia took glass painting course and I took soap craft which is molding soaps into different shapes which is ideal for gifts and bathroom decorations.We were planning to take more courses but that was the time when we knew that will be moved to Kuala Lumpur.Yehey!Happy I was!
It was Josiet's Birthday yesterday so I made this cake for her, and had a good bottle of cabernet sauvignon. We had a good time together with our kids. A good drink with a good company. Didn't had much drink though because I got a baby with me to go back home... not enough to get tipsy at least.
I should say, having a dog and having a baby is more or less the same. Things like:
1)socializing, dogs need to socialize and so with babies in order for him/her not to have stranger discomfort or anxiety when around with strangers.
2)Impose proper discipline from the very beginning. It's hard to teach new tricks to an old dog. Same with a person.
3)Dogs are cuddly just like babies and they are still cute even when they are upset.
4)They know how to give you a look that melts your heart... and you can't resist.
5) They chew everything when they don't have toys.
6)They demand your attention at all times.
The only difference is that you can leave the dog whenever you like but you can not do that to your baby.
For singles or new couples out there without a baby, having a dog is good practice. It stretches out your patience very well. Raising a dog is not an easy responsibility. You have to train the dog according to your lifestyle, not you adjusting to his. Choose the dog that fits your lifestyle, not the dog that you like but don't have enough time to spend on him/her. There are so many breeds to choose from.
******** REMEMBERING IVOR ******
Writing this, remind me of my days with our first baby... a baby dog.
Before we had our baby we had a dog. A Rotweiler, a robust breed and known to be notorious in many countries. Little did everyone know, this breed is so loving and loyal to their masters.
Ivor, our first Rot when we were in Angola, unfortunately we have to leave him behind due to travel restrictions. Yes, I cried a bucket! I fell in love with him so badly.Sadly, we left him to a friend. I hope he is in good shape now. As I recall our days with him, makes me a little bit teary. hu hu hu... Nope, my chest just gets congested! LOL. I got another one in Dumaguete and named him "PROXY" literally proxy to Ivor. But Proxy is really different. Why? because he is not well trained as Ivor because we are not there. No matter how I ask my sister and brother how to train him, its just not the same.
Ivor, Christmas 2004
We chose to have a rotweiler because we needed a guard dog. We are losing some cash in the house every weekend and nobody else lives there except me and hubby. There are on-duty guards 24/7 and during their shifts, they use the back toilet to do their business. The helper is known for her honesty as per referral by other expats she had worked with before. We can't point a finger who is stealing money from our wallets. We just leave our things downstairs because we are confident that the doors are locked at night. Our things like camera, cell phone, laptops were not stolen. Just cash that you may or may not take notice of. Until it became a pattern every Sunday, we are losing some cash, we can't tolerate it anymore and to solve the problem, we got a dog which became my best friend, protector and my buddy.
Ivor was home trained; I had the luxury of time to teach him tricks since I'm just home most of the time. Training him was exhausting and rewarding.
If I may recall, the following are the tricks Ivor knows.
"Sit",which he is pleased to do so.
"Sit and Wait" - Usually during feeding time, he will wait for the next command which is "eat". He doesn't touch his food until you say "eat" no matter how long it takes even if he is hungry.
"Check" - when he hears a sound from outside or sensed something is strange going on.
"Out of the kitchen" - there is one spot where he is staying when I'm cooking. He wasn't allowed to be in the kitchen when the queen is cooking.
"Spit it out" - he spits out a palm nut that he loves to chew fresh from the palm tree out near the gate.
"Bizu" - He will give you a big nice kiss!
"Give me five" - He gives you a high five when you give your hand out as if you're shaking hands.
"Shower" - He automatically goes to the place where he is taking shower outside where there is the faucet with a hose
Where is the ball? - He looks for the ball for you to play with him.
he knows what where is inside and outside.
He knows very well the meaning of Yes and No.
He loves to sit in between me and hubby when watching TV.
He loves to be cuddled and be part of the conversation.
He has his own couch in the sala and he kicks you out when you sit there!
He is going ahead of me if I go upstairs.
He sleeps with me in the room if hubby having business trips out of the country.
He eats 1 chicken a day with rice, well cooked, not boiled but semi-fried like adobo. He is not eating cold rice from the fridge.
He loves to play basketball outside, running in the garden destroying my plants.
He looks so nice when he is upset with nose down the floor stealing looks at you. Just like a kid being scolded.
He jumps on Daddy every time he comes home from office
Gosh I miss Ivor while writing this!!!
Our Dogs are the Star of this show... they are funny, cuddly, monsters, sweet, naughty, clever and the list goes on..
Just refresh or reload the page if the slideshow stops.
I never knew the importance of this email until one day I ran out of battery of my cell and I can't remember the number to dial to activate the hidden battery power. I was in a situation where I am waiting for a very important call and my phone was running out of battery. While waiting had a few drinks outside the bar where the car was parked and on the other table there were few guys drinking beer. I was so desperate to charge my cell phone so my Dad-in-law suggested charging it in the car. So he put on the engine, whilst parking, and kept it on for a few minutes. The guy from the other table approached me and said;
"Don't you think its wise to put off the engine to save some gas, you know everybody is concerned to save gas."
I was speechless. He was right and I got his point. But hmmm I don't want to elaborate my case. It was pretty annoying but I swallowed my pride coz in a way, his suggestion made sense but I just can’t miss the call I'm waiting. But my dad-in-law was quite pissed by his gesture. He murmured like "mind your own business”. Then, I thought of this email message I had long way back, so thankful I filed it in miscellaneous folder. I think it would be useful to keep this handy to some
The Emergency Number worldwide for **Mobile**is112 .* If you find yourself out of coverage area of your mobile network and there is an emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly this number 112 can be dialled even if the keypad is locked. **Try it out**
2 Have you locked your keys in the car? Does you car have remote keys?
This may come in handy someday. Good reason to own a cell phone: If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their cell phone from your cell phone. Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their end. Your car will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other "remote" for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk).
3 Hidden Battery power
Imagine your cell battery isvery low, you are expecting an important calland you don't have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate, press the keys *3370# Your cell will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a50%increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your cell next time. AND
4 How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone?
To check your Mobile phone's serial number, key in the following digits on your phone: * # 0 6 # A 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe. when your phone get stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless. You probably won't get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use/sell it either.
5 Be careful while using your mobile phone When you try to call someone through mobile phone, don't put your mobile closer to your ears until the recipient answers.
Because directly after dialling, the mobile phone would use it's maximum signalling power, which is: 2watts = 33dbi Please Be Careful, Message as received (Save your brain) Please use left ear while using cell (mobile), because if you use the right earit will affect brain directly. This is a true fact from Apollo medical team.
We have dogs in our house, yes, plenty of dogs. let me talk about the dogs who grew up together, the other one stayed small while the other became huge guard dog. When we had Proxy, a rotweiler, he was two-month by then, and at the same time my brother had Tom, Japanese Spitz 1-month old by then, they were best buddies. Wherever the other goes, the other follows and play around the vicinity of our house. These two, Tom and Proxy are the only dogs allowed inside the house, the others stay out in the garden at all times. Yep, we have favorites, lol. They were happy growing up together despite the fact that their breeds are way too different. Breed of toy dogs and breed of Huge, powerful guard dogs. But they were still the best of friends. Whenever one of them is being annoyed by other dogs, they defend each other.
Proxy grown up and became a huge powerful dog while Tom remains tiny. But their size didn't prevent them from doing something... something which ought to be done in private!...
One day, I witnessed something that must have been gone way beyond friendship! I didnt know what were on their minds... he he They are both male dogs, anyway, dunno which one is gay.
Here's what I've captured on the camera 4 a good laugh!
Well, I wouldn’t be ranting about being a housewife until I became one which I dreaded to be.I dreaded to be because I had a different outlook on housewives before and I didn’t wanna be “just a housewife” when I was a kid.Why? I don’t know.. Maybe because of this stereo type way of thinking that housewives are more often than not “underrated” because they don’t do anything except than taking care of household chores, taking care of children and their respective husbands. All this kind of thinking that I had, had changed now. It is the MOST DIFFICULT job in the world, as Oprah Winfrey always says it in her talk shows and I do agree, it is indeed the most difficult job in the world. In fact I find it way much easier to be in the office 8 hours a day than to be a housewife. Salute to all the women who stays home, keep things in order, take care of their kids and husbands.
Yes, I miss to be on-the-go always.I miss the making up and tidying my hair and making up my pretty face, painting eyebrows and eyeshades to look respectable and corporate career woman.I miss myself wearing my suites and high heels with my little shoulder bag with tiny survival kits which is more on lipstick and makeup. I miss the tight pressure in the office, exchanging smiles with colleagues you bump into and exchanging corporate jokes, little tales in the elevator, short hello-and-goodbye gestures if you see friends while rushing to the hallway, the lunch time with fellow office gals and finally home late afternoon and have no choice but to call-it-a-day.I was in this stage when you are home, alone with the TV or maybe on the phone with a friend. And before you call it a night, I silently wished that I had a family of my own.A kid welcomes you home with a hug and full of stories, a child of my own and calls me mom.Yeah, I was talking about being single career-oriented woman that was me.
Now, I have moved on, I got a family of my own, but I had given up my career because hubby’s work have to transfer from one country to another, which left me following wherever he goes, and a HOUSEWIFE.
Back to the subject, being a housewife is the most difficult job in the world! Yes indeed.It is a multi task job. First of all, as a MOTHER to your child, a WIFE to your husband, a Housekeeper, a TEACHER to your child, a BABYSITTER, a COOK, and a MANAGER to all of these tasks. That is a job of every woman on earth! Each duty entails loads of responsibilities.Motherhood is such a very complex subject, and on top of that, you are a
WOMAN to yourself, you have to look at your very best at all times.That’s what its like to be a housewife.CHALLENGED?
Before, I hate to fill up forms, you know everywhere you go when you have to fill up forms, the bit that says, OCCUPATION: ________this really brings me to frown and write housewife, now that I came to the realization what its like to be one, I write it with a smile in my head. Having said that, I’m happy to be a housewife now.I manage my time and I run the house the way I like it.Provided that the needs are met, then I’m a happy woman. The time I spend with my daughter is so precious… I’m enjoying to see her growing day by day. She drives me crazy with new developments and tricks. A sweet smile throws my back pain away.