Free Parking HERE!

Park your vehicles here, grab your snacks at the PARKING RESTAURANT, get your coffee and enjoy free Sweet Treats here update yourself something to read in the NEW STAND, take a U-Turn or just simply hang around ... relax and enjoy.. It's the only place without a parking fee..

Lunch date with Pinoy Expats in KL

Photo by Walter... eyyy, thanks for this one big happy family photo!

Finally we came to meet in a group with fellow pinoys and had a great Lunch at Steph's. Thanks Steph for hosting such an event. I look forward to meet you all guys again and maybe more peps could attend.. the more the merrier! The foods were great! For those who missed the fun, we had Pinakbet, fish relieno, adobo, spaghetti, roasters,minced meat, leche flan, custard cake, brazo de mercedez, chocolates, wine ,... what else? did I forget to mention something?? I can't remember everything as I had so much fun and so with my daughter playing with other kids. I Look forward to more get-together with everybody again.


Anonymous said...

your daughter is sooo precious!!! too bad i couldn't make it last weekend :(


Grace Ediza Virlouvet said...

thanks mimi, u missed the fun!