Free Parking HERE!

Park your vehicles here, grab your snacks at the PARKING RESTAURANT, get your coffee and enjoy free Sweet Treats here update yourself something to read in the NEW STAND, take a U-Turn or just simply hang around ... relax and enjoy.. It's the only place without a parking fee..

I'm back!

Whew! where have I been? feels like I've been disconnected for ages. We just went home to Phil for a week but it feels like months away from my blog, unsurprisingly time just slipped so quickly while at home.. Yeah, lots of goodness yet not enough time. It was stressful in a way specially for me as I am always the runner on the go whatever is lacking for our menu plus a little bit of pick up here and there; but I generally enjoyed my busy days there even if I cought flu now as a result. What have we done?? a lot of experimenting on french cooking with the brick oven that hubby made during our last visit last July. Whew.. A genocide of "baboy" he he... Yup, you know what I mean and I guess I gained weight for that quick trip at home... (dunno how much, dont want to know; I'll surely will feel guilty of those pleasures)..

Got so much to write about. Others are way back overdue.. but still have to organize my thoughts like how the brick oven was made.. Chocolate making at home.. etc. Will soon post them.

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