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getting more and more frustrated

Duhhhhh! I think I don't have that much patience tinkering my cam. I'm not getting perfect pictures. Some blurred, some unfocused and grainy. I'm still tempted to use auto mode whilst I'm trying to do it manually. I guess those skills are just gone, rusted, unused for years and years... Well, what is digicam for eh? Auto it girl! ha ha! Why do I have to be tough with myself and oh, what a waste of time. Grrr! Or hey, maybe I'll spend more time tinkering on photo editing softwares rather than moving backwards?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for dropping by at The Bisdak Experience last time.

And don't worry, you're not the only one who's frustrated with her digital camera. Ako sad. Sige lang ko reklamo nga way ayo and I'm frustrated everytime. :)