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Getting Back to basics on photography

I have lost my focus on photography for a while now. Nope I'm not leaving it behind, who would? Once you fall in love with photography you'll get hooked to it but I just had so many detours in my life recently...We've been moving a lot plus my pregnancy and now on baby stuffs, motherhood, etc. Did I mention we're nomads? We change home address from almost every year and hopefully we'll put here in KL for couple of years or even more.

Back in India, I had some experiments on flowers as my subject. Hence, I called it FLOWERS OF THE EARTH. After that, my practice continues with food photographs with my KITCHEN JOURNAL where I post all recipes and anything about food. Now that the dust had settled so to speak, I'm putting my feet back again on photography (crossing my fingers). I have so much areas to work on. I'm not a pro nor I don't have a pro camera either.

My camera, (technically its not mine; its DH's) has some limitations and I don't have a powerful lens but before getting one, I have a lot of work to do to maximize its usage first and master the skills. Believe me, this camera has been around since for 4 years, but some functions are still unknown to me, so now, I am flipping through the pages of the users' manual and experiment more and more. Before, my shots are in AUTO mode which does everything for me. I guess I have to do some more tweaking jobs. I need some refinement of my work. I’m quite happy with it and I guess this cam will be sufficient for my experiments.

Now, I feel like getting back to basics using its manual mode, which is quite challenging. Back in my college days, I don't have digital camera, it wasn't a fad during the time and I have worked on manual SLR cameras where we have to develop our photos manually in black and white in a dark room. Gosh I miss those days back then. During that time, it was expensive for me because I have to spend much on photo paper and film plus developing charges in studios. Now, I don't have to spend anything on or at least at a very minimal expense with digital camera and PC.

Will be posting my experiments to keep track on my progress, if there's any. Sigh... I expect frustrations though... double sigh!

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